Annam Karunyam
“Annam Kanrunyam” program initiated by Guruji to eradicate hunger from world. Through the Donations obtained from benevolent individuals and institutions TFL foundation is providing free lunch to 100s of peoples every day. According to Guruji “No other service is greater than removing one’s hunger for a day”.
Kundalini Vidya
The Kundalini Vidya is developed based on the secret sutras of 'THANTHRA'. Practiced by the Kings and Lords of ancient bharatha about 6000 years earlier. Through continued research and practical testing of many years among different category of people,Guruji has developed it as the most necessary and essential health care programme of the present world or era.
TFL Hypnotism
Hypnotism or study of mind can be traced back to the very beginning of human evolution. Hypnotism which was buried deep in superstition was brought to realm of science only in the last half a century.Practising Hypnotism in a simple way can rejuvenate the hidden abilities...
International Yoga Day Celebration.
Celebration of the International Yoga day being held at Thrissur, conducted by volunteers from TFL Foundation has made the event fulfill its moto, a message on health and showcased it as our only wealth.
Being a part of TFL International Club.
The TFL International Club with more than 2500 supporters and growing in number has provede best in conducting various events and activities bringing people together.
Clean Thrissur, an initiative towards Cleanliness.
Cleaniness is an important habit / aspect of life, especially of public spaces. Mathrubhoomi joining hands with TFL volunteers in order to clean public places at Thrissur.